Glacé Cherries are one of the most commonly used ingredients for bakers. Glacé cherries are a key ingredient to many recipes providing a sweet cherry flavour, juicy texture and bright colour. They are popular in Christmas cakes & puddings, biscuits, slices and a wide range of baked goods. Covita Glacé Cherries are rich and sweet in flavour and made from the highest quality cherries available.
Candied fruit, also known as glacé fruit, Whole fruit, smaller pieces of fruit, or pieces of peel, are placed in heated sugar syrup, which absorbs the moisture from within the fruit and eventually preserves it.
Fruits that are commonly candied include cherries, pineapple, peaches and candied orange peel that with candied lemon peel are the usual ingredients of mixed peel .They became a key ingredient of some of the most famous sweets of its culinary tradition: among these, the Milanese Panettone and the Cassata Siciliana.
An ideal baking ingredient, add to fruit cakes, hot cross buns, sweet mincemeat, Christmas cakes and puddings, stolen and florentines or to any cake or biscuit recipe where you would like to add a citrus flavour with added texture.
The integral part of a good fruit cake is of course, the fruit -peach,pineapple, sweet mixed peel - but pride of place in that delicious cakey-crown must surely go to the glacé cherry.
Nothing beats the simple pleasure of biting into a big slice of fruit cake.